Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

Special Meeting of English Teachers

The following pictures are the members of MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA when they were attending the chairperson selection meeting in SMA Neg. 1 Parepare on Tuesday May 22 2012. The meeting was guided by the Chairman of Pengembang MGMP Kota Parepare (Drs. Muhammad Anshar). All members selected Sudirman, S.Pd. from SMA Neg. 3 as the Chairperson, Baharuddin, S.Pd. from SMA Neg. 4 as the Secretary, Hj. Hasnah, S.Pd., as a the Treasurer, and Rosdianah, S.Pd., M.Pd., as the Coordinator of MGMP B.ING Period 2012 - 2015.