Kamis, 07 Juni 2012

Vision and Mission

Vision :

Mission :

  1. Organizing Training, Workshops, Teacher Training Seminar, especially in the Field of English.
  2. Sharing Together Between Fellow Teachers of English to Create Mutual Learning.
  3. Various Events Organizing for Teachers and Students in order to actualize the competencies possessed.

Purpose :

English Subject Teachers Forum (MGMP) of  Parepare is a place of professional activity of English subject teachers who have a strategic vision and mission to develop the professionalism of teachers, develop insight and knowledge, innovative activities towards the development of quality education and providing quality educational services for people with a purpose;

  1. Developing knowledge and mastery of the material substance of teaching, syllabus, teaching materials, teaching models, maximizing the use of facilities / infrastructure in teaching, taking advantage of ICT-based learning resources in the development of the profession.

  2. Developing the quality of teacher professionalism as a key pillar in classroom management.

  3. Realizing effective teaching so that students can master the teaching material (mastery learning).

  4. Discussing the problems faced and experienced in performing everyday tasks and inquiring about alternative solutions in accordance with the conditions of the school, characteristics of learners, and the environment.

  5. Facilitating teachers to reach educational technical information relating to the development of science and technology, curriculum activities, methodology, and evaluation systems.

  6. Sharing information and experiences through workshops, teacher forums, symposium, seminars, training, etc.

  7. Facilitating teachers obtain technical information relating to class actions research and development professional for functional improvement and certification of teachers.

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